Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Stevens Family Calendar: August

This is part of a series about the Stevens Family Calendar (if you know, you know).

Shore and sea theme
After spending July in the cold ocean, it was time to head for sunny beaches. That's what August is all about. 

Our family spent Thanksgiving 2022 in Maui, Hawaii  and came away with lots of beautiful photos. Plus, Caty, Scott and I visited the Big Island and Caty and I did a little beachcombing in Redwood National and State Parks. Those are the sources of all these photos (I covered Ecuadorian beaches in April).
I am not going to talk about volcanoes here, although we did see some. I covered that in my opening calendar blog. This is all about the smell of the sea, the sand between your toes and the marvels lurking just below the surface. 

But, the ocean does intersect with the remnants of volcanos there.

A photo we didn't use of ropy lava where it hardened after contact with the sea
The scenery in Hawai'i is spectacular, so naturally, we had many photos in contention for this page. We spent a lot of time exploring beaches in both Maui and the Big Island. 

These two shots of sunny beaches on Maui show off Scott's expertise
with wide-angle photography; both are featured on the main page
This one from an overlook in West Maui, also on the main page,
brings in the added element of sky; Photo: Scott Stevens
That's the thing about Hawai'i: every time you round a curve in the road (and there are many curves in the roads in Hawai'i), you come across another jaw-dropping vista.

Top left and bottom (a calendar page square): Ka Lae,
the southernmost point in the US, on the Big Island;
Upper right: Ho'okipa Beach in Maui 
If you are planning to drive around Maui or the Big Island, it's probably a good idea to budget a lot of extra time. I guarantee that you'll be stopping in almost every turnout. 

If you have a camera, be ready to come home with a million photos. 

And, if you put a calendar together every year, be prepared to pull your hair out.

Similar shots of northwest Maui; the left is on the cover; Right photo: Scott Stevens
In Hawai'i, beaches often mean surfers. While I would never want to try it, it is sure fun to watch. Out favorite spot is Ho'okipa Beach in Maui.

The left photo is on the August calendar page; we didn't use the right; Photos: Scott Stevens
As I said earlier, I weeded out lots of photos before I even went into calendar production. Still, some didn't get used.

Shots we didn't use: the West Maui Mountains taken from the 'Au'au Channel on the left
and another West Maui beach on the right; Lower left and right photos: Scott Stevens
When we were on the Big Island, we explored the entire south coast. A highlight was visiting Pu'uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park, complete with recreations of historic buildings, tropical palms, tiki totems and a lovely lagoon.

The photo of the recreated Hawaiian heiau from a distance is on the main page
The tiki totems are on the calendar page
Nothing goes better with a beach than a sunset.

Scott captured two gorgeous sunsets that appeared as squares on the calendar page
And, the plant life is abundant and striking ...

Hosmer Grove, Haleakalā National Park, used in the opening section;
blooms on the beach in Maui, not used; Right photo: Scott Stevens
Left (not used): an aloe plant in Kula; Right (on the cover): the Haleakalā silversword
grows only on Haleakalā; Right photo: Scott Stevens
Of course, a lot of the scenery in Hawai'i is under the water. On this trip, we had quite a few great experiences in (and under) the ocean. On the Big Island, Scott, Caty and I snorkeled with Manta Rays! That was a thrilling experience that was very tricky to photograph because the Rays were underwater, the water was murky (because of the krill in the water that attracted them to where we were) and it was nighttime. Caty was most successful getting pictures of these giant beasts.

The left one is in the opening segment and the one on the right
is on the August calendar page; Photos: Caty Stevens
We didn't use this one because we were afraid it was too dark to print well
(since the calendar printed dark, that was a good call); Photo: Scott Stevens
While in Maui, we snorkeled multiple times and Caty, Becca and Aaron went SCUBA diving. 

The bubbles are illustrative of the SCUBA experience and they are so pretty
that they appear on the main August page; Photo: Becca Stevens
We gathered a number of shots of the reefs, but be aware that they are never as sharp as the photos we take with our "land cameras" because of the difference in the cameras, the clarity of the water (it was never as clear as we wanted) and the fact that some of the "photos" are actually stills pulled from GoPro videos.

Both of these are on the calendar page; Photos: Becca Stevens
Here are some we didn't use; Photos: Becca Stevens
And, some fish that didn't make it in; Photos: Becca Stevens
This Black Durgon (AKA Triggerfish) is on the back cover; Photo: Becca Stevens
Of course, you don't have to stay underwater to see great sea creatures ...

This photo breaking the surface was not used; Photo: Becca Stevens
... there are lots of things to see on the shore ...

The Pacific Blood Star was indeed the star of the coastal tidal pools at
Redwood National and State Parks; it'
s on the main page; Photo: Caty Stevens
These are shots that didn't make it: my photo of the Pacific Blood Star before it waved
and the very dark 'A'ama Crabs we saw on the Big Island
While not a sea critter, per se, this Small Indian Mongoose was hanging out on the beach;
this photo is on the back cover  
The largest photo on the main page is my favorite of all the photos Becca has ever submitted for our calendars. 

The Green Sea Turtle swimming along the ocean floor next to a submerged palm leaf
is absolutely beautiful; Photo: Becca Stevens
The was another one that was intriguing, but not as easy to see; Photo: Becca Stevens
Becca's cover shot of a turtle surfacing
Both while snorkeling and diving, we all saw a number of these gentle giants. At one point, a turtle (I think the one pictured above) actually ran into Becca as she was videoing something in the opposite direction. They aren't dangerous, but that is still a bit unnerving. On another occasion, Caty and I almost had the same fate, but we were able to get out of the way.

Sea Turtles are among those animals you never get tired of seeing or photographing ...

Reaching the surface (this didn't make the cut); Photo: Becca Stevens
... or, even, getting photographed with ...

Becca and Aaron at a feeding station in a photo taken by the dive master; this is in the opening
We had a lot more that we didn't use of turtles underwater ...

This one is coming out from under rocks; Photo: Becca Stevens
... and on the shore ...

Green Sea Turtles hauling out on Ho'okipa Beach; Photos: Scott Stevens
And, speaking of hauling out  I am out of photos. Next month we'll see some more Bears.

But, this time: Babies!!!

Our Eras Tour #14: Easy Trip Home

At the Cardiff Train Station
The next two days were the most pleasant long-distance travel days I have ever had.

First, we took a train to London. The station was close to our hotel, so after getting all our bags down the steep WiseStay stairs, we just wheeled them to the Cardiff Train Station. I swear that was easier than taking a cab or Uber.

The Cardiff train station
We had first class tickets on a very nice train that arrived smoothly and on-time at Paddington Station in London.

Somewhere between Cardiff and London
After disembarking, we walked a short distance and got on the Heathrow Express, which took us straight the airport, where we changed to a local Tube for a short ride to Terminal 4, where we spent the night at the Holiday Inn Express London Heathrow.

The hotel was a little funky with an ultramodern design that was a bit clunky (the mirror was angled toward the wall!) and very dim.

Photo: Holiday Inn
We had a snack in the bar when we arrived. Against common sense, we ordered nachos, which would have been fine except the chips were room temperature and the cheese sauce (the kind that comes in cans) was cold! Yep, cold! Later, we had a nice dinner in the hotel.

Check the times!
The next morning, we headed back to the Tube stop where transport to other terminals is free (luckily, Caty had noticed that on a sign). What we didn't read was that 
service didn’t start until 5:30 a.m. I got a little antsy waiting, but we arrived at our terminal in plenty of time (but not too much) for our 8:00 a.m. flight to O’Hare.

Somehow, when we rebooked the trip, we were able to snap up business class coming home for less miles than our original coach tickets.

The first plus was that we were able to wait for our flight in the Admiral's Club at Heathrow, where we had first breakfast.

A quiet morning
Boarding was a piece of cake (or, maybe I should say a glass of champagne) because, did I mention it, WE WERE FLYING BUSINESS CLASS!!!!

I am spoiled for life, now; Right photo: Caty Stevens
It was a daytime flight, so, even though we got up insanely early, I never slept. I could have, though, because we had those seats that become beds. 

But, with sore feet and legs from the concert, it was pleasant and comfy (even with a brutal leg cramp that I got mid-flight)They served us breakfast and lunch, so we were just fine!

And, the cabin wasn't even full!!!
Immigration in O’Hare was easy (unfortunately, we got no passport stamps either direction) and everything was cool getting back to Denver. I drove back to Caty’s and was pleasantly surprised that muscle memory kept me on the correct side of the road after eight days of driving in the UK.

I got back home the next morning and both Caty and I immediately got sick. I tested negative for COVID and Caty tested positive. Maybe I had COVID and maybe I didn’t, but I got well in about three days.

I am getting tired of getting sick every time I travel; at least this time it happened at home.

Final Analysis
London is fun. 

The Black Dog pub; Photo: Caty Stevens
The Lake District is lovely.
Derwentwater, Keswick, England
Wales is beautiful. 

Clockwise: Aber Falls, Pentre Ifan, Teifi Marshes, Rhossili
The UK has Fascinating ancient sites.

Top: Castlerigg Stone Circle; Bottom: Pentre Ifan dolmen, St. David's Cathedral
You can never visit too many castles (well, maybe you can).

Top: Lowther, Beaumaris, St. David's; Bottom: Cardiff, Caernarfon. Pembroke
Gardens are very important in the UK.

Left: Levens, Hill Top, Anglesey; Middle: Levens; Right: Pembroke Castle
Driving in the UK is not for the faint of heart and it is very difficult to sightsee by car. 

Ashness Bridge; Video pull: Caty Stevens
Weather makes a difference.

We liked the sunny days best; Left: Worm's Head; Right: Derwentwater
Taylor Swift is awesome. 

The Eras Tour; Photo: Caty Stevens
Caty is a great travel companion.

On the plane home

Trip date: June 6-20, 2024